Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Tea Experience

"A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

I must admit, I am not a tea nor coffee drinker. Though I wish I were.

I love to read books, and I love to eat biscuits, (covered in chocolate of course) and nothing looks or sounds more perfect than sitting outside on a park bench, underneath the warmth of the shining sun, the play of birds in the background and a gentle breeze blowing by, reading a book, eating a chocolate covered biscuit and drinking some tea.

If only I could understand how to make a great cup of tea.

I made my first cup of green tea last week, and I must admit, it tasted much like hot water... Not much else.

Maybe I didn't leave the teabag in long enough? I was quite impatient. Or maybe I'm drinking the wrong type of tea?

It could just be my lack of experience and maybe I should just persevere and continue acquiring a taste for tea.

I like the quote that begins this post, a touch of wisdom in the everyday world.

I imagine Eleanor Roosevelt was sitting outside, in the White House garden, reading a book and sipping some tea when she come up with this quote.

Linking this post with I Blog on Tuesdays


  1. I have always been a tea drinker, something I have inherited from my mum and nanna. It solves all the problems of the world! The last 3 years, I have become a coffee fiend, but there is a definite time for tea and a definite time for coffee :) I now take it black, and certainly could never go back to having milk in either!

    1. Thats awesome, my nanna is a tea drink and my mum is a coffee drinker, in the quarter strength decaf way. mmm I was unsure of whether to put milk in my tea or not, but it was suggested not to, so I should experiment to find my preference.

  2. Green tea is much like hot water, but an expert would tell you that the water must be the right temp, I think 85? And the bag must be immersed for 3-5 minutes. I love tea.

    1. I think that was my problem, I poured the water and put the teabag straight in and didn't leave it for a minute I think, oops, I need more patience lol

  3. I don't mind tea, but I have to have black tea, weak with no milk. Everyone drinks it differently though. I have a friend who drowns it in milk!!

    1. I still havent figured out the whole tea thing. Maybe I'm just not a drinker of tea and coffee beverages!!

  4. That's a terrific quote. Wouldn't you love to be the kind of person who can come up with things like that?

    1. Yeah its one of my favourites! I love quotes (if you can't half tell) I would love to come up with something so insightful!


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