Changing or rearranging a room is as good as a holiday. A statement I wholeheartedly agree with, nothing brings more happiness and renewing vigour then a changed room.
This trait I have learnt from my mother, who learnt it from her mother, and I can assure you it does not lie solely with me but also my sisters, and will continue to be a family legacy for many more generations to come.
I also love the idea of decorating my own house, as the wedding draws near this prospect is becoming more and more enticing. I am accruing furniture left right and centre, and I haven't even seen the inside of the house we are renting yet!
Not to worry, I have a bookshelf, so all my books will be nice a happy all together in one nice, big, shelf, is it bad that this is one of the most exciting things about getting married and moving away.
I must look on the bright side, because as it were, though a marriage is exciting and moving to a new house is also, but moving four and a half hours away from home, in what is considered a country town, though it is less country than it is Sydney, is a very daunting thought. So I preoccupy my thoughts with painting and decorating rooms, rearranging those rooms, then doing some more rearranging.
The whole reason for this post is that I can not find a blog page I am happy with, and each time I change it I feel renewed to start afresh and begin blogging again.... Which leads to me forgetting about my blog, I have concluded that this is because a) my computer was be stupidly slow and I was sick of it and gave up, and b) my blog page was just not looking anything like how I felt it should, as a true reflection of me. Now that my computer is fixed and I'm buzzing along again at a normal pace, I have dedicated a few good hours to coming up with a page I feel happy with. I feel, with the help of my sister and her excellent photography skills, I have done effectively today.
Don't fresh starts always make you feel like the whole world is ahead of you, ready to be tackled, and by world I mean the little bubble in which I inhabit.
Looks good sis, I like it!