Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Starting Fresh

I have to admit, I've got writers block.

It's really frustrating me, because I love the creativity of blogs.

The design, the content, the community.

So I've been looking around for ways to try and reinvigorate my blog and in a sense me.

It has been a hard, tough, and pretty long year.

Starting so many new things, losing family members, welcoming new family members.

A new town, new marriage, new work and new study.

I came across Fat Mum Slim's article on 50 things to blog about so I'm going to steal one and write about it.

No. 14 -- The day you started blogging, what were you thinking?

I started a blog back in 2010 with a friend of mine. It was great, we were going to post about fashion, food, knitting, books, movies and music. We would each post in a different colour and end our posts with a -K or an -R.

It lasted about a month or two.

My sister Kylez over at A Study in Contradictions had been blogging for a few years and I really enjoyed reading her posts and looking at her photos. And found that I wanted to join in on the fun.

I'm not really sure what my intentions for starting a blog really were. 

I used to write little poems or short stories when I was younger, writing seems to be a family thing that goes back to my grandmother.

She wrote stories upon stories about the encounters she had with random strangers on the street in bankstown or about one of her 4 children or 15 grandchildren.

I was quite young when she past away so she only wrote one story about me. It was something to do with me wanting to eat lots of chips and chocolate. 

Not much has changed!!!

I find it hilarious that even at a 3 year old I had an infinity for consuming copious amounts of chocolate and hot chips. But hey, if this is my legacy I s'pose I should just accept it, if I tried to change it, I wouldn't really be my most natural self.

I think I tried to get to much into the 'popularity' of blogging, getting excited that I had people following. 

I started trying to get into the 'popular' group but in year 6, and by the time I was in year 7 realised that I did not want to pretend to be a different person every time I went to school. These girls just weren't like me and I shouldn't be trying to change myself. Just causes more embarrassing moments for myself.

Also, I have no children, so really my days are pretty boring without a little cuteness to talk about during my days. 

So from now on, I will endeavour to write for myself, write about things I love the most, watching movies, reading books, knitting and crocheting, and learning to be a nurse. (Hopefully I can start reading and watching more movies and books because I've been sorely lacking in those areas for the last 6 months!)

Hope your tuesday is going well.

Today is hubby's 23rd birthday, our first birthday celebrations together, I keep singing 'nobody likes you when you 23' (blink-182, in case you were unsure). I shall be making a lasagne from scratch (except the lasagne sheets, I buy those), but the white sauce and meat I got! And trying to find the recipe for butterscotch pudding which S loves so much.

Hope all turns out well, not a great cook. How did you spend you 23rd birthday?

Linking up with Jess for IBOT


  1. Gosh my 23rd birthday was so long ago I can't remember how I spent it. Probably drunk in a bar in Atlanta, where I was living at the time! I think all you can do is be yourself, write from your heart, 100% honestly, and it will come. And if you've got nothing to say, that is ok, too. -Aroha (#teamIBOT)

    1. Thanks Aroha, I'll definitely keep that in mind!

  2. I was about three weeks away from giving birth so my 23rd was pretty quite. Hope hubby has a great one. As for the writing, from the heart and what you know about is always a good idea. And failing that just do lots of free association writing where you just free for all whatever comes out!

    Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses lovely

  3. Hey Kate, so lovely to 'meet' you - I love your sissy, she rocks! I imagine you're busy enough being an auntie, and studying. I am UBER jealous you meet your hubby so young, and can have LOTS of selfish years together before sprogs, plenty of time for sleeplessness and nappies :) My hubby was 32 when we meet and so we had to get a wriggle on and have kids before he turned into an old fart. He's 41 now, I'm 35 with 3 under my belt. NO MORE I SAY!
    I look forward to reading more from you - check out this www.tshoxenreider.com she has some great ideas for blogspiration - yep - totally made up that shit-hot word!
    Oh and at 23 I was back in NZ after spending two years in NY - quite a come down I must say. And with a dick head of a guy :) Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    1. Hi Emily, yeah my sis is pretty awesome huh, and she makes really cute kids so I love her even more for that hehe. I am pretty lucky to have my S when I did, and also that he has an amazing family, was a bit worried about a crazy mother in law but shes fabulous, everyone loves my MIL. Thanks for the tips I shall visit them!

  4. I can't really remember my 23rd birthday. I think I was pregnant? Not sure what I did so it can't have been that memorable.
    That seems pretty sad really!
    I used to want to be popular as a kid too, but then gave up and was just me. It's just as hard learning that lesson in the blogging world but I think I'm finally getting there.


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