Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weight for It!

See what I did there, segway into my topic post for today.

So this whole running thing started with the wedding, and I'm hoping it doesn't end with the wedding actually.

I've enjoyed it immensely, though I struggled keeping myself focused on running, and it became a chore starting the run, but when I got out there it got easier.

It was always easier to finish and push hard at the end, knowing I could finish and have a shower and feel good about myself.

I felt even better when I completed a big run, it felt like such a triumph.

Not only in my running and my ability to keep pushing and get through long distances now without stopping. I've seen a greater improvement in everyday activities.

Walking briskly up a hill or around the shops or having a busy day, I see the fitness improvement, as I remember back to when I would work up a sweet and start breathing heavy just by walking up the hill that I live on.

Being able to fit into clothes that 12 months ago I couldn't and more to that, I didn't think I would be fitting into it. The number on scale doesn't really fell like a great triumph, and I've been always thinking if I got down to 57 kgs then I be happy, that'd be my goal weight. But really I should have just been aiming to fit into my clothes again!! Its a better feeling then the number on the scale!!

Couldn't fit into this dress in January!!!

And that itself is great encouragement to keep on running. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Two Courses and a Cake

Tonight we had a menu tasting for the wedding this Saturday.

Mum, sister A and good friend P came with me to the tasting for dinner.

Top: Grilled Lamb Fillet, Roast Beetroot and Rocket with Balsamic Dressing :: 
Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli with Tomato and Basil Sauce
Bottom: Salad of Rocket, Smoked Salmon, Asparagus and Prosciutto::
Tasting plate of Lemon Chicken w/ Roasted Capsicum, Prawns with Avocado and Tomato Salsa and Peppered Beef with Green Beans and Tomato Chutney

Top: Grilled Chicken Breast with Garlic Mushrooms, Spinach and a Fondue Sauce ::
Crispy Skin Pork Belly with Mash, Green Beans and a Vanilla Bean Apple Sauce
Bottom: Braised Lamb Shank (1) in Red Wine with Mashed Potato and Green Beans in Gremolata ::
Char Grilled Sirloin Steak, Green Beans and Bernaise Sauce

It was beautiful, I tasted a bit of everything and it was delicious, the ones I enjoyed the most were the Ravioli and the Sirloin, they were my main picks and then we also chose the Grilled Lamb Fillet for 2nd Entree and Grilled Chicken Breast for the 2nd main.

As there were four meals to chose from, I bought along three guests and we all tried a bit of each others dish. Lucky a brought along my big sis A, who polished off all four entrees as well as the main meals.

It was a fun, successful night and I enjoyed myself immensely, there happened to also be a freak rain storm happening outside as we were eating dinner. Camden Valley Inn is an old English style pub, and my Mum and Sis have both been over to England and kept saying how much they felt like they were back over there, including the weather!!

All in all, was a good night, great food and makes me feel more excited and more nervous about this coming Saturday... Ahhhh!!! Only 3 sleeps away, when did it get so close!!

Anyway, hope you Tuesday night was as awesome as mine!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Instagram It!

My first photo on Instgram!!

Did my own puzzle | Helped sis A do her puzzle

Panel I made during my year at Bui '09 | Two in the middle are from the gardens at my reception venue | Taken in my lounge room of the sunset |

Breaking Dawn Part II Big sis Kylie and E | Ticket to movie Gold Class style | Sis E with her ticket | Big sis A and I | The massive bowl of ice cream I had which was delicious! | Sis A and Cousin A |

Friday night christmas/family night | Happy Birthday Mia, Mia with her presents | Putting the christmas tree up since we can't do it this weekend |

Going for the run I kept telling myself to do | Making table centre pieces for wedding | Packing up my room with a lot of boxes | Printing out service orders for saturday so they dry | View from my window | Baby Mia at her birthday party, that was very hot but she had lots of fun!

My week according to instagram. 

I'm also new to Instagram so if you wanna find me I'm kt90ln!! Hope to see you on there!

Linking up with Tinagraydotme 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Knit Extravaganza

So this year was the year of knitting. I'd knitted for years before this one but never beyond the 'scarf' knitting.

I actually made a Lot of stuff, I took photos here they are!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Advent Time

Advent is the lead up to Christmas

Image Source

It is the four sundays prior to christmas day.

Each of the candles on the outside represent these days.

Then on christmas day you light the middle candle.

Representing Jesus birth into this world.

Tradition in our family is to put our christmas tree up on the first of advent and have a devotion as well.

This usually includes the family, mostly who ever can make it on that particular weekend.

But this year we put up our christmas tree up a week early.

Due to the fact that my wedding falls on the start of advent this year and was the only time we could be together to put the tree up.

It also happened to be my gorgeous nieces 1st birthday and we all got together and had a big feed and a  yummy ice-cream cake to celebrate.

Find me on Instagram kt90ln

I hope your christmas is just as exciting as mine will be!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Met with my reception venue lady today.

Plans are slowly coming together!

This is really happening. 

And its working out so well! Everything just seems to be falling into place.

I'm wondering if this means on the day everything is going to be terrible!

But alas I do believe God is guiding this and he's allowing this to all fall into place and what will be will be and I am happy with that.

As long as on Saturday I get married and have lots of fantastic photos to have as reminders of my day than that will be great!

During my visit out at Camden Valley Inn (reception venue), I snuck out the back (well not really snuck as it is also a pub that serves lunches so there was people there) and took some photos of the garden, though the sprinkler was on so I didn't get as many as I'd like but heres one I grabbed before I left.

Taken on Instagram
Hope your Wednesday hump day is chugging along nicely, 10 days till d-day now!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II

I know what you are thinking, "Why on earth are you going to see that?!", well I'll tell you why.

Because I enjoyed the books.

Image Source
They aren't works of art, they aren't going to go down in history as a literary piece of art, and they aren't going to build statues in honour of it so that in years to come generations can remember the brilliance that was the Twilight books (at least I hope not).

I first read the books in 2007, just after Eclipse had been released. 

My high school friend introduced me to them, and at this point in time I was devouring books night after night, in my attempt not to have to do school work :)... actually :( bad me...

So I first read twilight in 2 days, the majority of it late on a school night, causing me to be really tired for school the next day, and the rest that day. Not wanting to do anything but finish it.

The books are good. When you are a teenage girl, very shy and hating being at school, I used books to escape, so that I could create these other worlds I could live in for a little while before I had to grow up and live in the real world, I was hanging on to the last threads of childhood I could and Twilight helped that.

I must admit, at first I was team Edward, just because I hated the idea that Jacob tried to ruin something that had started before he was on the scene. I think that's just rude, but now, now that they have t-shirts declaring Team Edward and Team Jacob. I am neither.

Is it just me or does something that starts out good suddenly becomes very lame when it is really popular? 

It seems to be the way (except Harry Potter, HP will always be amazing no matter how big it is).

But because this world is such a corny world I can't help but be embarrassed by the young girls who will faint if they see a twilight character. It freaks me out that someone is that devoted to someone or something, its kind of creepy.

Also, when you read the books you can put your own inflections onto the words and think of different ways to say lines to make them less corny, so it seems like it isn't so bad, but when you hear them on the big screen, you realise, "Nope that line was REALLY corny!"

Anyway, I am off to see Breaking Dawn Part II tonight with my sisters and cuz in Gold Class, have to treat ourselves one last time before I leave Sydney. And we did this for the first one and the last two HP movies hehe.

Hope you Tuesday was just lovely.

Linking up with Jess for 'I blog on Tuesday'

Monday, November 19, 2012


I love puzzles and am half way through this one.

It's progressed a bit further than this now.

But I am enjoying/frustrated with the puzzle. 

Puzzles are fun, they push the mind.

How was your day?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The iphone Post

Just to let everybody know that I have an iphone now... Which means instagram!! Yay, I will be on there as kt90ln, find me and join along!!

Only have one photo up but that doesn't matter. 

Photos baby!

Have You Seen One?

My mum was sent an email by a church friend a few months ago, she printed it out and shared it with me, I just recently found it in my room again and thought I'd share it.

Now I'm not sure how true these are, they may be just typical jokes that get changed around a bit but I thought they were quite hilarious when I read them!

Idiot Sighting 1:

I went through the McDonald's driveway window and I gave the cashier a $5 dollar note.
Our total was $4.25, so I also handed her 25c. She said, 'you gave me too much money.' I said, 'Yes I know, but this way you can just give me a dollar coin back.'
She sighed and went to get the manager who asked me to repeat my request.
I did so, and he handed me back the 25c and said 'We're sorry but we don't do that kind of thing.' The cashier then proceeded to give me back 75 cents in change.

Do not confuse the people of MacD's in Shepperton Vic.

Idiot Sighting 2:

We had to have the garage door repaired.
The repairman told us that one of our problems was that we did not have a 'large' enough motor on the opener.
I thought for a moment, and said that we had the largest one made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower.
He shook his head and said, 'You need a 1/4 horsepower.'
I responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4 and he said, 'NOOO, it's not, Four is larger than two.'

We haven't used that repairman since. Happened in Bankstown NSW.

Idiot Sighting 3:

I live in a semi rural area. We recently had a new neighbour call the local counsil to request the removal of the WOMBAT CROSSING sign on our road. The reason: 'Too many wombats are being hit by cars out here! I don't think this is a good place for them to be crossing anymore.'

Story from Bauple QLD

Idiot Sighting 4:

My daughter went to a mexican takeaway and ordered a taco. She ask the person behind the counter for 'minimal lettuce.' He said he was sorry, but they only had iceberg lettuce.

From Castle Hill, Sydney

Idiot Sighting 5:

I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee asked 'Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?'
To which I replied, 'If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?'
He smiled knowingly and nodded, 'That's why we ask.'

This happened at Melbourne Airport.

Idiot Sighting 6:

The pedestrian light on the corner beeps when it's safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an 'intellectually challenged' co-worker of mine. She asked if I know what the beeper was for. I explained that it signals blind people when the light is red. Appalled, she responded, ' What on earth are blind people doing driving?!'

She is a government employee in the Adelaide P.O. SA

Idiot Sighting 7:

When my husband and I arrived at a car dealership to pick up our car after a service, we were told the keys had been locked in it. We went to the service department and found a mechanics working feverishly to unlock the driver's side door.
As I watched from the passenger side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked.
'Hey,' I announced to the technician, 'it's open!'. His reply, 'I know. I already did that side.'

Holden Dealership Townsville QLD.

Stay Alert!!

They walk among us...!

Friday, November 16, 2012

It Fits!!!

So I've blogged lots about how I've been running but I am unsure if I have blogged about why all this running started.

Well, it has to do with something thats happening in 2 weeks time and a certain dress that I need to wear,  I NEED to wear!!! 

I bought said dress in January, first trip looking with the sisters, mum and baby Mia, it was fun, scary and strange all at the same time. 

We went to Wetheril Park, where a huge amount of dress stores are located and started looking. Tried on dresses I didn't even think I would like, but when I tried them on, they looked great (strange how that happens really). But I was unsure of exactly what I wanted.

After a few dress changes, a few store changes, I found one that I really liked, two that were quite similar, one was a bridesmaids dress and one was a wedding one, the wedding dress was beautiful and I really liked it, except it had a black band around the torso, which I was unsure about, it was beautiful but I was unsure if it were for me. Than I tried on the bridesmaids dress, and it was like perfect. It was light (especially since this is a summer wedding) and was the right shaped neckline.

I was very happy with having this big decision made, and cheaply, but more just happy that I found one I liked.

I often see other wedding dresses and think I should have gotten that. But I'm happy with my dress because it very much shows myself and who I am, which kinda sounds lame but, its simply, yet pretty and I love it!

My sisters wanted me to try on a big puffy one, just so I could see what it looks like, but we found this one before I had the chance to try one on, much to my sisters displeasure.

It takes a few months for the dress to be made and shipped in so it wasn't until May that I went to pick it up, I had a fitting and it was a tad tighter than I remembered... But it still fit.

Than June came along and I was going to try the dress on and show a friend, and the worse thing that I could ever imagine... It didn't fit.

So there brought on my big sis A signing up with Cantoo to do the 9km fun run, and help me diet. 

All the work paid off, I'm still running which is one good, not as frequently, but I did just do a 7.2km run on Monday, which is the furthest I've gone since the fun run. 

I just tried my dress on, two weeks out from the wedding tomorrow, and my dress still fits.

As I haven't been running as often I have been starting to fret, but I was able to put my dress on by myself, which I hadn't done before. I'm very excited with the fact it fits.

I keep reminding myself, that I'm thinner than I was when I first tried on my dress in January, so too get back to the size I was in June would take longer than two weeks. So I keep reminding myself of that. To help comfort the fact I had chocolate this last week, oops, I've got 14 days till the wedding.

14 DAYS!!!! I can make it 14 days without eating too much junk and packing on 5 kg!!

So I'm getting excited now, ready to just get this day off and running. 

But before the day, my cousin has her big day, my big cuz is getting married tomorrow and I can't wait! I'm so excited (I have a new bright red awesome dress to wear hehe) oh and S will be here, haven't seen in him a week and a bit, but I supposed I can't really mind any more, since in 2 weeks time I wont be able to get away from him..... Sounds good to me :)

Hope your Friday is good and you have an exciting weekend planned!!

Linking up with Grace for Flog Yo Blog Friday

P.S. I will be uploading photos of the dress after the day!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

1. Kate Miller-Heidke

"I wish I had a river I could skate away on"
-River by Joni Mitchell

Yes I know its a Joni Mitchell song, but Kate Miller-Heidke did a version of it disc two of her 'Little Eve' album, and this is the version I remember.

This song will forever remind me of Pride and Prejudice, winter, blue sheets and blue walls, and being a teenager. 

From google images
One of the things you learn when trying to study for the HSC is that music can help jog your memory when it comes to certain subjects. If you study to a certain song for each subject then upon hearing said song you will be instantly transported into the memory that accompanies that song, which would be studying for a certain topic.

Well this can be said with reading books as well, River and Pride and Prejudice will forever jog my memory of listening to this song whilst reading this book. I love it.

I love having that memory that instantly transports me back in time to a place where I felt most happiest when I was younger. It encompasses everything I enjoy and cherish, music and books (and my bed).

Now to the reason why Miss Miller-Heidke is my number one female artist.

She is a classical trained opera singer... And sings alternative pop music...

What else is there to say really..

The perfection and talents of an opera singer combined with the quirkiness and ability to not fit into a stereotype and do it so wonderfully.

A lot of people didn't appreciate her music like I did when I was growing up. But I love how she just sings songs about random crap, is pure aussie human, plus a touch of seriousness to even it out.

Perfect mix. 

You can't go pass an virtuoso. It boggles, dazzles, mesmerises, and stuns me to see the ability of someone so expertly and comfortable play their instrument. Opera sings more so than anyone as their musical instrument is their body, like an athlete it takes a lot of training and hard work to be able to be a singer.

Kudos to all the singers in the world! To the people who have impacted my life through their music. 

Thank you for providing the soundtrack to my life.
From google images

You can find numbers 10-2 here 

Showing off her quirkiness and aussieness "Southern Cross Tattoo''

Friday, November 9, 2012


Oops, 9th day of November and only 5 posts to date.... My PLAN really worked out didn't it! :s

Haven't picked my camera up since Monday, and haven't posted since Saturday and its a shocker I even posted on that day!

This week has been pretty damn busy...

Sunday was church in the morning and over to my Dad's for a nice bbq dinner for chrissy.

Monday then brought with it a quite hectic day. Leaving home just after 9, hoping to save money on my trip to big sis Kylie's, I took the northern road, was a good run, until I got stuck behind a truck doing 70 in the 80 zone, grr. But I got there just after 10am.

I was heading out to Epping to have my makeup trial and Kylie was nice enough to come with me, leaving Kylies at just after 10 we made it to Miss Makeup by the appointment time 11. Perfect, I like being prompt, I'm known for having stress attacks if something isn't working well, or if I don't understand what's going on, if I can't figure something out, people driving badly, ok well I stress a lot, about most anything.. Really gotta get that one under control. Anyway...

Makeup trial done, looks amazing, thanks to my makeup artist. Then Kylie and I head over to the shops, play with Mia in the play area, which was so cute to see, then went and found Mia some shoes to wear on the day of the wedding (she's only just started walking so she wont always be wearing them... But to wear on wedding day with her pretty dress).

Them giving Kylie and Miss Mia a kiss I headed back home to them meet up with my friend P, who has a 6 month old of her own, and we packed her car full of boxes containing my bedroom, and we started on our road trip to Wagga. That was a long afternoon! But we made it thankfully!

The next few days was spent in Wagga, going to check out the house we will be moving into, driving home. Then Thursday went with my sis E to get her hair done for the wedding, and had lunch with A. Then travelled home to then be followed by a massive freak storm!

Kylie and A were both turned around when trying to come here for family dinner night, were turned around when trying to get through Ingleburn, one of the worst hit from last evenings freak storm.

Once getting to the last day of the week, with a busy weekend to come, the days a going pretty damn quickly. My bedroom is almost finished, the soon-to-be home is getting fixed up, my kitchen tea is on sunday and today there is 22 days to go till d-day! Woot

How's your week been? And whats your weekend looking like?

Linking up with With Some Grace for Flog Your Blog Friday

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Where I Eat Breakfast...

3/11/12 - Where I Eat My BREAKFAST! 

Today it was cloudy and a bit rainy, it was very unexpected. 

We, being mum and my sister, all headed out to Cobbitty Markets at about 10 and when we got there it was shockers!! A whole field for a car park and it was completely full! We had to park on the street. The best cupcakes I'd ever tasted had sold out, :( but thats ok, bought some awesome new hair clips and a awesome small piece of furniture for my house, so that made up for it.

I'd been doing so well, no chocolate since november started... 3 days ago. But I limited myself too two chocolates and only because it was my cousins kitchen tea and I kinda couldn't help it hehe. 

But I've been doing really well, have done my exercises the last two days, drunken a bottle of water each day, eating well during the day and healthy dinners, the only thing that I haven't managed to do is go for my 30 minute walk/jog. But I will definitely be restarting that tomorrow!

So that's my update for today. S is on his bucks night tonight, hope he is having a good night and not drinking too much!!

Hope your weekend is going swell!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Colour and Fun

Colour- A blanket I stitched together out of squares ladies at my church made for charity.

Well it's not really fun, but a nice sunny, productive day, just didn't have the same ring to it.

Today was great, semi great. I got so much done, yet still a few things haven't been ticked of my list, but its only 7:30, so I will try and do the last few things... Hmm well, we'll see anyhow.

How was your day? Are you ready for the weekend? I've got a busy day tomorrow, up for a morning run, then off to Cobbity Markets for the last time, then off to my cousins bridal shower! Then sunday, over to my dads for a family dinner.

Hope your weekend is just as lovely as mine should be!

Linking up with Grace for Flog Your Blog Friday!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

C for Calendar

This is my Prince William and Catherine Middleton wedding Calendar.

Looking forward to the month of November!!

NOVEMBER and thankful thursday

So today is November 1st, I'm actually quite excited about this month, blogging wise anyway.

Last month I saw that a few blogs I follow did a blog a day all the month of October, only seeing this a week or so into october I decided I couldn't join and that I would do my own little one for november.

So in November I plan to actually participate in Fat Mum Slim's photoaday challenge, I've said and set out to do a whole month before but then I just forget and/or I get too busy and I can't catch up!

Blog once a day about something interesting (have a few ideas, but some new ones would be much appreciated if you have any, thanks).

Actually get onto all these linky's and start commenting (I've been really slack sorry).

And follow the diet and exercise plan I've drawn up for November!!

Today I am also thankful for family.

Its rare to get a photo of the whole family, but this one is of us
5 kids and partners!

My family have always been there for me! They know me better than any one else and I love it. They know how to handle me when I cranky or frustrated or worried and they don't mind. I can't yell at them than ask them for a favour later because that's what we are like.

I love spending every thursday (usually Wednesday but it's been a bit skewed this year on account of everybody having such busy lives and not wanting to miss out on family night) hanging out with my family talking about stupid stuff and something I can not describe how amazing it feels is to be able to watch my little niece grow, Mia is so gorgeous and I have loved being able to spend the 1st year of her life so involved. 

Unfortunately moving away will mean I wont get to see them as much, but thankgoodness for the internet, for skype and for facebook. Excellent devices that will help me feel like I see and talk to my family on a regular basis but still be 5 hours away.

Family is one of the most precious things in my life because I've never really had many friends, I'm more of a quality than quantity when it comes to my friendships. I'd rather know that my friends wanna hang with me rather than because they have no one else to hang with.

So here's to the month of November, the month of blogging, the month of planning, the month of getting this done!!

Linking up today with We Heart Life for Thankful Thursdays!

Sidenote: T minus 30 days till d-day, (d-day being wedding if you didn't know already hehe)
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